Our Document Storage Holders are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of the Building & Construction Industry as well as our clients and are manufactured from the highest quality materials by skilled tradesmen.
We have designed our document holders to house ALL types of media; from single sheet information (such as, drawings, emergency procedures and exit floor plans, to 7 x 24 contact and escalation procedures) to full sets of drawings (for design & construction, as-built, single line, distribution, systems or shop drawings) or manual binders (for disaster recovery documentation, emergency procedures and building or facilities operations manuals).
Our products come complete and ready to install. All it takes is a few minutes, a drill and bit, level and a screw driver. When ordering make sure to include for the mounting surface (drywall, concrete, sheet metal, etc.) so we can include the proper mounting hardware.
Our holders are sized to fit the documents using inside dimensions. Please make sure to specify height and width and if the product to be ordered is the swing frame, make sure to include if you want the door mounted hinge to be mounted on the top or the side.
Product data sheets can be downloaded directly from our web site. Custom sizes are available upon request.
Please feel free to contact us or one of our sales representatives if you have any questions.